Whatever it is,
the way you teach history
defines how useful
it is in the present.
Indigenous and Gullah Geechee Curriculum
The above video clips are part of a mini-course built to teach Lowcountry Indigenous history.
We have worked collaboratively with many different types of learning institutions to craft easy to understand, creative, and accurate historical curriculums. The above samples come from a unit about the Indigenous past of the South Carolina Lowcountry aimed at 8-12th grades. Below is a sample of materials for teacher workshop about Santa Elena and Indigenous South Carolinians.
Carolina Community Archaeology works differently that traditional archaeology or education companies.
We utilize the latest archaeological and historical research to build brand new history products like curriculum, on site and digital programs. Our experienced educators can help you develop new materials or history products featuring cutting edge discoveries.
Indigenous Hilton Head Fact Sheet
Indigenous Hilton Head Fact Sheet
Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park Docent Guide
Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park Docent Guide
Hilton Head History Timeline for Coastal Discovery Museum
Hilton Head History Timeline for Coastal Discovery Museum
Lowcountry History Booklist
Historic Mitchelville Freedom Park Coloring Book